Feeling Forrest Gump "Again" feelings
This is the house that Jack built.
X X X X X X X Ex parte beyond belief Listen to Larry And Trudy by Polk Salad Granny on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/1dMuN...

Stalking High School girl with Pit Bull
Summary: Weekday morning after driving my son to Collegiate High School. Noticed the girl standing across the street at the end of the...

Stalking High School Girl without Pit Bull
This girl was skipping school. It took the police about 5 minutes to arrive from the time she said she was calling. The entire...

I won't curse at you, just in anger at my employees
Quite a big adjustment when the Christian Science Reading Room, my next door neighbor for years, is replaced by a bar. While this kitchen...

You leave me no option but to start calling other people.
No problem him: me:

Speaking Truth in Difficult Situations (2nd in series)
Joining voices together. Resolving concerns over time.
Speaking Truth in Difficult Situations (1st of series)
We tend to think of conflict with others when considering the topic of "Speaking Truth in Difficult Situations." John shares how that...

Powerful Paradigm Shift
Our minds are saturated in patterns of combative energy and conflict through out our lives. The challenge lies in being able to cast...